????Established in September 2003. Dongguan Dongyun Machinery Making Co,.Ltd. is Sino-HongKong joint ?venture enterprise. It is the largest manufacture, which is specialized in developing and making gravure equipment in China. We always insist on a principle that "quali…
learn moreWell-known domestic and international organizations for product development, integration of advanced international design concepts, accelerate product innovation
Factories have advanced production equipment in the industry, and meet the needs of mass production!
Well-known domestic and international organizations for product development, integration of advanced international design concepts, accelerate product innovation
Factories have advanced production equipment in the industry, and meet the needs of mass production!
魯網5月24日訊(記者 徐英淦)記者從中央紀委監察部官網獲悉,近日中央紀委監察部通報了山東2起違反中央八項規定精神問題。泰山職業技術學院圖書館(信息中心)館長(主任)韓廷水、博興縣市場監管局工會負責人…
如何認定收受可能影響公正執行 公務的禮品、禮金、消費卡行為
提前認籌,比過價,砍過價,還過價,交30 還能再減100元!套購再送好禮!真金不怕火煉,司慶不怕比較。買家電,來百大電器大樓店,更放心!??“禮尚往來”是中國傳統文化之精髓,作為即將到來的端午佳節,無…
Email: dymmc#vip.163.com,#換為“@”
Address:Dongyun Industrial Park, Changping, Dongguan, Guangdong, China.
Established in March 2001. Dongguan Dongyun Machinery Making Co,.Ltd. is Sino-HongKong joint venture enterprise. It is the largest manufacture, which is specialized in developing and making gravure equipment in China. We always insist on a principle that "quality, R&D, market, ".and got a high reputation in the market.